Saturday, May 28, 2022


 After careful thinking of a strategy to save Li Shimin from the ambush plot by Great Khan,  Changge posed as one of Wolf Division archer assigned to shoot arrow on Li Shimin on the day of the ambush. She attempted to shoot towards the direction of Li Shimin but intentionally miss her target making the treaty called off with the furious Great Khan who left the bridge and walk off.  As a consequence, Changge was arrested, imprisoned and identified as a slave of Eagle Division on the way back to the grasslands for further questioning and investigation.

As soon as A'Zhun returned to the Eagle Division, he started planning on how to take back Changge out of her confinement in Wolf Division.  But Sh'er was determined to hold her still even enjoying his archery with his new slave as the target.

Among those captured by Great Khan during the battle in Jingzhou was the highly regarded Tang General Luo Yi, Changge's family friend and mentor from her childhood.

Watch Episode 22 subtitled in English through the video link below.

You can view Episode 22 HERE.  

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Saturday, May 21, 2022

Dr. Park's Clinic Episode 3: Marketing 101: Social Media Marketing Matters


In this age of modern technology, online marketing is a must especially to a striving doctor who wanted to make it big in his career and be popular to public in order to gain patients and keep the clinic business bustling.

Family can especially help in the promotion of the business even by just comments and sharing online about what your clinic can offer. The best way to deal with malicious comments was to share and forward them.  The nastier and controversial, the better.  This kind of marketing can ripple and linger talks about your clinic longer.  Even lasting than the taste of the most expensive French wine.

Watch Episode 3 subtitled in English HERE.  

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As Emperor Li Shimin of Tang and Great Khan of the Ashile tribe come face to face on the battleground on the bridge atop the bridge of the Weishui River with the blood and bodies of their dead warriors litter around them on them on the battleground.  In order to avoid the dire casualties among their people, the two have reached an agreement to try to sit down again and sign another peace treaty by noon of the following day.

Back to their barracks, Ashile Sun ran into Changge sneaking in still wearing the Tang uniform she used previously to sneak into Li Shimin's tent in order to confront her uncle and assess the condition of the Tang army. Li Shimin also learned that Changge's run awayagain going to the north.  

Great Khan told Ashile Sun and Sh'er about what he and Li Shimin have talked during their face to face encounter on the bridge of the make-shift bridge  of the Weishui River.  He also instructed them his plan not to ally with Tang and instead stage an ambush of Li Shimin by shooting him with an arrow from one of Ashile tribe's best archer. He gave them stern instructions not to miss the target of the plot in tomorrow's supposedly peace treaty signing.  All of these were heard by Changge who hid behind the wooden carts inside A'Zhun's tent.  After Khan left, A'Zhun ordered Changge to locked up again in order for her not to disrupt Khan's plan.

As Leyan continue her journey with the war refugees bound to Luoyang, she met and took care Xiao Wu, an orphan refugee kid who became her companion and protector from the bully refugees who were steeling food and beating up helpless refugees for food and survival.

Watch Episode 21 subtitled in English through the video link below.

You can view Episode 21 HERE.  

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Monday, May 16, 2022



Commander Hao Du finally located the whereabouts of Princess Leyan.  But he was too late to find her for Leyan already left along with the refugees bound to Luoyang.

Upon return to the grasslands after her trip with Mu Jin from Yunzhou, Mimi Guli excitedly reported back to Changge about her experience in Yunzhou particularly the weird lady she encountered in the marketplace who allegedly took her moneybag only to find out from Changge that she had originally two identical moneybag where she gave one to her bestfriend  in Chan'an.  Surprised, Changge rushed out to Yunzhou to find Princess Leyan who she taught might have live in sufferings due to the ongoing war.  She also found out from Mrs. Chai of the Weaving Workshop of Western Suburb.  She later put at ease after knowing that Leyan did not suffer much and instead learn how to earn a living using her skills.

When Changge got back to Eagle Division, she found that the full force of the Ashile tribe were gone and are heading to war in Chang'an.  Changge knowing how perilous the situation might have been followed the route taken by Ashile tribe going to Chang'an.  She sneaked  into the troop to get Ashile Sun's attention who met her secretly.  She warned A'Zhun about his moves and warn for them no meet in the battlefield.  A'zhun tried to reason it out and even ordered Su Yishe to tie her and take her back to the grasslands. But Changge was way too determined to go to Chang'an herself to assess the situation of the war from that end.


She successfully escaped from Su Yishe and sneaked into Chang'an to meet Emperor Li Shimin.  Dressed as a kitchen attendant, she got near Li Shimin's tent and enter it.  Li Shimin was so astonished to see his niece Changge inside his tent.  He told her how he suffered from loosing her and how he coped with the news of her battles in Shuozhou and the news about her capture and death.  Changge finally knew what was in the heart and mind of her second uncle Li Shimin, the Emperor of Tang. Through their discussion, she came to know that Li Shimin was now fighting and facing a difficult battle that can gravely endanger not  only himself but the Tang as a whole.

Watch Episode 20 subtitled in English through the video link below.

You can watch Episode 20 HERE.  

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Saturday, May 14, 2022


The royal life of Tang's two princesses may have been what other people may dream about.  But when war torn the land of Tang, the royal lives of Princess Yongning and Princess Leyan has to also cope with the changing times.  

Equipped with only their skills and talent, the two Tang princesses tried to cope with the harsh realities and casualties of war.  Princess Yongning utilized her skill as a military strategist and adapted herself as the Military Counselor Li Shisi to Ashile Sun of Ashle tribe's Eagle Division.  Whereas, Princess Leyan have learned the industry of weaving and labor her skills to earn a living using her newfound skills from the Weaving Workshop of Western Suburb run by a commoner in Yunzhou.

The affection between Mu Jin and Mimi Guli grew deeper each day.  Mu Jin tried to help Mimi in her everyday chore. Until one day, Mu Jin accidentally stepped on a rotten nail as he help her fetch water from the nearby river. He suffered life threatening high fevers but was cared for by Mimi and nursed him back to health.  In order to treat Mimi, Mu Jin volunteered to A'Zhun and requested to purchase supplies and provisions of Eagle Division with her in Yunzhou.  After requesting permission, Changge gave Mimi her moneybag along with some money as a token and gift she can use on Yunzhou with Mu Jin.  Mimi plan on buying her mooncakes for her generosity.

Commander Hao Du and Wei Shuyu continued their search for the missing Princess Leyan who they did not know became an apprentice and worker at a western weaving workshop and have missed her when they search in Yunzhou.

Watch Episode 19 subtitled in English through the video link below.

You can watch this episode HERE

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Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Episode 2: Marketing 101 - A Home Sweet Home Family Clinic


Dr. Park need to perk up sales for his clinic.  And colleagues have suggested a few ways to let his clinic pick up and appeal more patients to come and perk up sales and grow his business.  Some marketing schemes need to be in place to entice patients to enter his clinic.  A parent even suggested a check up plus one sales that can let his clinic catch up with what other clinics are doing to gain more patients and sales.  Employing a child friendly staff may likewise boost revenues. Even thinking that letting his wife and family help into the clinic is a wise and practical business idea.

Since patients rely on doctors as their life savers, Dr. Park made it a point to let his charm and persuasive skill as tools to help his patients feel better and inspire them to strive and live life even if they have terminal illnesses and on the verge of dying.  As a doctor, he swore to uphold life no matter what.

Watch Episode 2 subtitled in English HERE.  

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Saturday, May 7, 2022

Dr. Park's Clinic Episode 1: Patients is A Virtue

William Langland might be mistaken on this thought back in the 14th century.  Thus he probably have misspelled patient to patience.  Anyway the word is just a couple of jumbled letters and definitely not to be taken seriously.  And this is what exactly Dr. Park Won-jang did on Day 1 after opening his clinic. He WAIT for patients to enter his clinic and start his business and live prosperously.  

The delusion of being a hotshot doctor can be so intoxicating.  And  in order to add LUCK to his first day of operating a medical clinic Dr. Park Won-jang tried to followed meticulously some opening luck traditions by new businesses.  He put and displayed a $50 pig head sucking some money on its mouth, gold coins (though they were choco candies wrapped in gold foils) and he allowed his wife to go shopping sprees thinking that money will pour in soon.  He and his children gulped on herbal tonics just to add up for that so called  'lucky' health.

Before we go into more of Dr Park's adventurous medical business, please ponder on the thought that:  Laughter is still the BEST medicine.

Watch Episode 1 subtitled in English HERE.  

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Wednesday, May 4, 2022



Seeing the predicament of Mimi Guli, Changge requested Ashile Sun to let the slave Mimi Guli with her.  The two women easily adapted and became friends with each  other.  Mimi Guli reminded her of her childhood friend Princess Leyan and treat Mimi as if she was her younger sister.

Back in the weaving workshop of Mrs. Chai, Leyan was taught about weaving and embroidery along with learning the facts about the value of labor by people working hard to earn a living and everyday lessons of ordinary people outside the palace.

The love between Mu Jin and Mimi Guli blossomed beautifully as they interact more in the camp of Eagle Division.  But its not only Mu Jin and Mimi Guli who were experiencing the magic of love.  Ashile Sun affectionately have shown Changge the beauty of the grasslands and the love kindling in his heart especially for Changge.  Even the fireflies, the ephemeral creatures of the grasslands glows magically as they witness the love for these two beings born and blossomed from the battleground.      

Watch Episode 18 subtitled in English through the video below.

You can read about the next episode HERE.  

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Tuesday, May 3, 2022


Through Commander Hao Do's reports, news have reached Emperor Li Shimin that Changge was the Commandant Li Shisi that assisted Governor Gongsun Heng of Shuozhou against the attack of Ashile tribe.  That as a consequence of the war, Li Shisi was captured and executed by the Ashile tribe.  Li Shimin shed tears for his supposed loss of Tang's Princess Yongning.

The war brought casualties and many displaced refugees including Princess Leyan who although escaped from her human trafficker captors have joined the refugees fleeing the war torn city.  She was lucky to have encountered Mrs. Chai who offered her temporary shelter and taught her weaving skills and work in her weaving workshop in the suburbs.  The Princess was grateful to have learned the skill and value the labor of the people outside the palace.

A group of bondwomen were sent to Eagle Division by Great Khan as gift to Ashile Sun's  victorious return. Among them was Mimi Guli, a slave formerly assigned from Khatun's tent and originally from the Mobi tribe.  Mu Jin, Ashile Sun's right hand and assistant saw Mimi entering their camp and was instantly enamored after their eyes met for the first time.  Mimi became the official companion of the Ashile Sun's new Military Counselor Li Shisi after saving her from a few tribesmen who wanted to take advantage of her near the tent assigned to her by A'Zhun.

Watch Episode 17 subtitled in English through the video below.

You can read about the next episode HERE.  

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Monday, May 2, 2022


In order to spare the people of Shuozhou into the misery they will suffer if they will go into war with Ashile tribe, Governor Gongsun Heng chose the ultimate sacrifice in order to pacify Ashile tribe from invading the city.  He chose to offer his head to Ashile tribe and appease Great Khan from enslaving the people of Shuozhou.  He sacrificed by cutting off his own head as offering to Ashile tribe in exchange for the wellfare and safety of his people.  

And as the commandant in charge of the Shuozhou army, Changge was obliged to bring the governor's head to the army of Ashile tribe led by Ashile Sun to whom the governor have forged a gentleman's agreement of surrender to appease the anger and hatred with the conditions of: opening the gates of the city  to let the Ashile troops carry their mission; access to the treasury; food and spare the lives of the people. As her own strategy to save the  people from deliberate slaughter and attack, Commandant Li Shisi cited to Ashile Sun that it will be impossible to kill all the people in the city including her since she will choose to die along with the people by poison since there was wood and potassium nitrate they can use inside to induce mass poisoning altogether.

Ashile warned her not threat him, but Commandant Li reasoned that it was nothing but just a trade. A'Zhun was dumbfounded by this hero from Shuozhou that he ended up giving a conditions instead:  That Commandant Li Shisi will be his SLAVE in Ashile tribe which the Ashile troop find fitting and agreeable to put shame on Commandant Li Shisi who was an enemy that killed so many in their ranks during the battle.

The Eagle Division of Ashile tribe went back to the grasslands with their victory due to the surrender of Shuozhou.  They brought with them in chains and locks the war criminal and SLAVE from the city of Shuozhou:  Commandant Li Shisi

Watch Episode 15 subtitled in English through the video below.

You can read about the next episode HERE.  

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