Wednesday, April 6, 2022


During the Tang dynasty, the kingdom continuously suffers from beig attacked by neighboring

regions in order to seize and expand dominations of tribes. In order to forge cordial relations among regions, one of the most effective ways in forging alliances among regions was arranging inter tribe marriages or heqin.  It involves setting unions of royalty members such as prince and princesses to solidify the alliance.  

In the palace, among those eligible for the heqin was Li Changge, an offspring of the first crown prince Li Chengqian and older brother of Li Shimin.  Although Changge was born as a princess she grows up having a  free spirit trait running wild and sneaking out of the palace in order to satisfy her curiosity.

There was that day, when the palace hosted a cuju game in order to entertain visitors from the neighboring Ashile tribe of the grasslands. Her mother who sensed that the game was just an excuse and prelude in order to forge an alliance summoned and carefully explained to Changge the happenings in the palace and ordered her not to stray away.  One of the reason of reason behind the heqin Lady Jin have told Changge was that since their kingdom was now strife with threats of invasion from Ashile tribe her grandfather, the king was considering heqin in order to quell the threat of invasion that could plunge the kingdom in chaos and sufferings of the people.

That night her mother thought of talking it out with her father, the crown prince to recosider Changge's plight in relation to the on going palace politics. But it seems it was beyond her father's control and her mother goes back to her chamber broken hearted. At her chamber she wrote back accounts of her thoughts and pour her heart out writing memoirs.



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